Thursday, February 27, 2014

A happy challenge

I am on Instagram and I follow one of my cousins. I noticed that she has recently been uploading pictures every day and hash-tagging them with #100happydays. I got curious and decided to Google what in the heck this hash-tag meant. It turns out #100happydays is a challenge. The challenge is to upload a photo via the platform of your choice (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) of something you did that made you happy that day. To complete the challenge, you must do this every day for  100 days. Apparently, people who have completed the challenge have had positive results. They have experienced changes that range from noticing things that make them happy to falling in love (definitely not holding my breath on that one).

So I decided to jump on board and do the 100 Happy Days challenge. I am really quite excited about doing this photo challenge. I think it will be interesting to see what during each day makes me happy especially because I have a pretty routine schedule so my day-to-day life isn't really unpredictable. Thinking ahead to the next 100 days makes me realize how much I have to look forward to: choreography for a retreat in April, said April retreat, family coming into town, a few birthdays, Skypes with my best friend from college, and maybe some new friendships. 

I encourage anyone who is reading this post to embark on the 100 Happy Days challenge. All you have to do to get started is to go to and register to do the challenge. Then, start noticing what makes you happy and photograph it!