Saturday, November 17, 2012

Senior Game

Tonight was a great night for Notre Dame players and fans everywhere. They played a shut-out game with a final score of 38-0 and are now number 1 and the only undefeated team in the nation. I must admit, I teared up several times during tonight's Senior Game. Watching tonight's game brought back many memories from lasy year's Senior Game.

I don't remember who we played, what the final score was, or even if I did push-ups. Here is a list of the things I do remember, including things before and after the game:
  • Watching the band play in front of Bond Hall and then rushing over to see the trumpets under the Dome
  • Taking pictures under the Law School arch
  • Sneaking a picture of Nick and Jake as they marched by with the trumpet section
  • The Marshmallow fight
  • My feet being plastered to the seats by marshmallow goo glue
  • Praying for a win
  • Chanting "Go Irish, Beat Aztecs!" as the stands cleared out and only the seniors remained
  • Precariously making our way down to the field and holding hands with Joe and Mary on the way down
  • Playing a round of ninja on the field
  • Doing cartwheels on the field
  • Taking countless pictures as we celebrated our victory
  • Cody's post-game party
Of the various pictures we took, this was my favorite.
This was probably one of the happiest moments of my senior year. Not only had we just won the senior game, but I was surrounded by the best people I know. I could not have chosen a better group of people to be in a football group with after much deliberation a few months before this picture was taken. I have this wonderful picture on my nightstand (Thank you, Joe!) and it can always bring a smile to my face when I look at it and remember all the great times I had with this wonderful group of people.

I only have one final thing to say. LOVE THEE, NOTRE DAME!!

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