Friday, February 8, 2013

Original Poem:Balloons

It has been quite some time since I wrote a poem. This my newest poem. It is about the time my good friend Joe and I released some balloons and a letter I had written. The letter was for my grandfather who had passed away and was written about a month after his death.

Four balloons.

One is like the ocean.
One is like a blade of grass.
One is like a medal.
One is like snow.

These four are tied together
with a letter.
All the words have been said
with a paper and a pen.

With my friend by my side,
we watch it float.
Above the water of St. Joseph.
Up near the tops of changing trees.
And into the clouds.

The things that were not said
when you were here
go up to you.

We stand nearly silent,

This moment brings peace
and knowledge of you
forever with me.

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