Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Yesterday, I posted on my Facebook that I have come down with a cold and my goal is to get through it by only taking Zicam and doubling up the Reliv. Well, so far so good. While I definitely feel run-down and stuffy, I don't feel nearly as sick as I have on day 2 with all my previous colds. Some of my readers may be wondering what this Reliv thing is. That is what today's post is for.

Reliv has been produced since 1988 and was started by Dr. Theadore Kalogris and Bob and Sandy Montgomery. In 1995, Dr. Ted started the Kalogris foundation. "When the Foundation began in 1995, the primary focus was providing products to individuals in need throughout the United States. As Distributor donations increased and news of the mission spread, the Foundation’s vision became more global. Year after year, the Foundation’s efforts have steadily grown. What began as simply supplying product to a handful of missionaries working in the Philippines has evolved into the full support of more than 270 nutrition programs in 10 countries. Today, the RKF feeds 42,000 people every day."

Reliv products are, in short, advanced nutrition. Reliv's success is because of bioavailability and synergism. This means that Reliv is formulated in a way that each dose provides the body with instant access to the nutrients it contains (bioavailability) and combines nutrients with other nutirents that increase their effectiveness (synergism).  Reliv success stories range from weight loss and increased focus to live-saving stories. Without further ado, here is my Reliv success story.

My body has always carried its stress in my gut, so I would periodically have stomach upsets due to nervousness, stress, etc. Starting the summer after I graduated high school and into my freshman year of college these stomach upsets became more frequent and more bothersome. As the frequency of my symptoms increased and researched on why I was feeling this way, I came to the conclusion that I had IBS. About a year after my IBS self-diagnosis, I started exhibiting symptoms of GERD (gastro-esophageal reflux disease). Over time, I became extremely sensitive to most foods and essentially had the diet of either an elderly person or someone who was recovering from a GI infection. About a year ago I found myself having to take Immodium or some other OTC medicine at least once per week just to keep from getting sick. Despite all my best efforts, my IBs got to the point where I was afraid to go out to eat for fear of needing a bathroom and not making it. In March of this year, I finally found the relief I was craving in the form of Reliv. A friend from school (shout-out to Rose Franzen)introduced me to it and I was so desperate for a solution that I went ahead and ordered some. Within 2 days of starting Reliv, I started feeling relief from my IBS and within 3 weeks from my GERD. I have been taking Reliv for 7 months now and have felt healthier than I have in a long time, minus this mild cold. I frequently said that if there was ever a magic pill/medicine out there that would cure me of my ills, I would buy it. With Reliv, I have found my magic medicine. It is also really easy to take. All I need is 8oz of liquid per every 1-2 scoops of Reliv powder, depending on the individual product.

Sorry this post was so long. If my story resonated with anyone and you want more information about Reliv, feel free to contact me. And here is video clip for your enjoyment:

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